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The products consisting of wastes in the compost communiqué are subjected to various processes in our facility and converted into organic compost fertilizer. Because it is 100% fermented, the disease is free of weed seeds and insect larvae. As it improves the soil structure, we leave healthier soils for the future. It allows plants to take nutrients more easily
Benefits of Ecorec Compost Fertilizer
It prevents salinization in dry seasons by increasing the water holding capacity in the soil. Balances the PH. It facilitates the cultivation and processing of the soil. It provides better use of nutrients by plants. Increases plant nutrients that are limited in the soil. It increases the amount of organic matter in the soil. It regulates the water permeability in the soil. Fermented Compost Fertilizer does not contain any diseases and pests. It is also used to improve barren lands. Since the fertilizer is sterilized, it does not contain any weed seeds.
Total Organic Matter 35%
Carbon / Nitrogen Ratio (C/N) 11.4%
Total Nitrogen (N) 1.5%
Total Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5) 2%
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) 2%
Maximum Humidity 30%
EC 7.55 ms/cm
pH Range 7.5-9.5
Language Number : 1508
Registration Number: 10368

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